
A Cookie file is – according to Wikipedia - a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while a user is browsing a website. When the user browses the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookie can be retrieved by the website to notify the website of the user's previous activity. Cookies were designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites to remember the state of the website or activity the user had taken in the past. This can include clicking particular buttons, logging in, or a record of which pages were visited by the user even months or years ago. More information on that topic can be find on Wikipedia.

Purposes of storage and gaining access to cookies:

  • Website personalisation (for example: saving font size, sight challenged version of website or template version)
  • Saving data or user’s decisions (for example: no need to enter login and password on every website, remembering login during the next visit, keeping information on products added to cart)
  • Social websites integration (for example: displaying your friends, fans or post publishing on Facebook or Google+ directly from the website)
  • Adjusting adverts that are display on the website
  • Creating website’s statistics and flow statistics between different websites

Below one can find links to sources showing how to set the conditions of storage and gaining access to cookies already stored in user’s device for the most popular internet browsers.

  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera
  • Safari

Due to vast number of technological solutions it is not possible to publish clear guidelines how to set the conditions of storage and gaining access to cookies using settings of all available devices and software installed on them. However, in most cases, select "Tools" or "Settings" and there find the section that corresponds to the configuration settings for cookies or for the management of privacy. Detailed information is usually provided by the manufacturer of the device or browser in a manual or on their website.


  • Direttiva EU e-Privacy

    Questo portale utilizza i cookie per offrirti le migliori risorse tecnologiche disponibili. Continuando a visitarci senza modificare le tue impostazioni accetti implicitamente di ricevere tutti i cookies. Diversamente, puoi modificare le tue preferenze agendo direttamente sulle impostazioni del software di navigazione impiegato.

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*** RSS A.R.R.L.

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources.
  • September is National Preparedness Month. In coordination with our partners at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) is producing a series of weekly articles to help radio amateurs and their families stay safe.See previous stories: https://www.arr...

  • Ham radio operators volunteering with the ARRL® Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) have successfully completed operations for Hurricane Francine, now a tropical storm. “We had a huge positive showing of ARES team members checking in and doing the ‘thing.’ I sincerely appreciate everyone leaning into this activation,” said Robert Hayes, KC5IMN, Section Emergency Coordinator of the ARRL Mis...

  • With sunspot numbers up and solar flux decreasing, we saw ten newsunspot groups this week; two on September 6, three on September 7,two on September 8, one on September 9, and two on September 11.Average daily sunspot numbers increased from 155.3 to 178.4, whileaverage daily solar flux declined from 230.3 to 223.7.Geomagnetic indicators were quiet, with average daily planetary Aindex dropping f...

  • A new and faster way to communicate during emergencies is being planned by the Utah Section of the ARRL® Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) group, which serves Salt Lake County, the most populous area in Utah.ARRL Utah Section Public Information Coordinator Scott Rosenbush, K7HSR, said that discussion and planning for mesh networks using AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network) techno...

  • September is National Preparedness Month, and ARRL is working to help radio amateurs have a plan for family resilience. Many hams enjoy public service as part of their operating. Being ready to activate for a served agency through the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) involves not only being licensed and trained, but also prepared and equipped.ARRL Director of Emergency Management J...

  • In late August, Hawaii’s big island was threatened by three major tropical storms and amateur radio operators were prepared to assist as the threat grew more intense. Russell Roberts, KH6JRM, Public Information Officer, Hawaii County, ARRL Pacific Section, said that beginning August 23, storm watches and warnings were being issued for tropical storms Hone, Gilma, and Hector, all churning off th...

  • *** RSS DX ZONE

    Latest articles, reviews and links posted to The, an amateur radio, cb radio, scanning and shortwave radio, reference site The Amateur Radio Internet Guide
  • Homebrew Satellite Antenna Elevation System, LOGGI Log-Periodic Yagi Hybrid Antenna, SuperFox User Guide, Acom 1500 HF+6M Linear Amplifier G6NHU Review, External HF/VHF Antenna Switching Unit , YAGio Yagi Design, 23cm transverter, PAPA Repeaters Map - Californa,

  • A Shortened 20 thru 40 Meter Vertical for POTA, Moon tracking DLL, Sideswiper Net, Practical Design of Very High Gain Yagi Arrays, DJ5IL Karl Transmitting on Shortwave since 1973

  • ICOM IC-7760 is a HF/50 MHz 200W SDR transceiver presented at Tokyo Ham Fair in August 2024

  • Yaesu has announced the FTX-1F, a portable transceiver launching in early 2025. It offers 6W output, 9 hours of operation on HF bands, and covers HF, 50, 144, and 430 MHz. More details coming soon!

  • A Miniature VSWR Meter for QRP, CQ Zone, ITU Zone and Maidenhead Locator to your leaflet maps, A Four Element Six Metre Yagi Antenna, How to Program FT5DR on LINUX, Ham it Up: A Beginner's Look at DXing, Online Coil Inductance Calculator, Repairing Yaesu FT-817 Fail TX on 144 MHz, Station Radioamateur FO5MD - Tahiti, Coastal Ham Radio, N4NJJ Repeaters,

  • Is your ham radio club on our list? We feature thousands of links to amateur radio clubs worldwide. Add your club's link today!

  • A new unofficial page for the Lima Delta DX group! - Listed in CB Radio/Clubs

  • Allstar Linked Repeaters On The Air (ALROTA) is a community-focused platform aimed at strengthening ... - Listed in Operating Modes/Repeaters/USA





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