Fondata il 6 febbraio 1946  

Intitolata a I0WN nel 1994

Trasformata in ETS nel 2021

I0WN, Mario Bencivenga, è stato un pioniere della radio e socio fondatore della Sezione ARI di Perugia, oltre che un noto giornalista de 'La Nazione'


Associazione Radioamatori Italiani Sezione di Perugia A.P.S. E.T.S.



Sede:                      Via Pitagora snc - Montevile - 06135 - Ponte San Giovanni - (PG)

Codice Fiscale:        94040840541 



(2023 - 2026)

Presidente                         IK0XBX Francesco Fucelli

Vicepresidente                  IU0LFQ Alessio Bravi

Segretario                         IK0PUL Andrea Falgiani

Tesoriere                           IU0PVM Roberto Biagiotti

Consigliere                        IZ0BVU Lorenzo Raichini

Consigliere                        IZ0FWD Iari Del Pulito

Consigliere                        IU0NWJ Cristiano Peruzzi


Delegato presso il Comitato Regionale Umbria dell’A.R.I.

IK0EBS Tarcisio Lombardi


Relazioni esterne

IK0XBX Francesco Fucelli  &  IU0LFQ Alessio Bravi


Gestione Social Network

Supervisore   IK0XBX Francesco Fucelli

Editor    IU0RAZ Marco Dottori - IU0RBB Nevet Persolja - IU0RBC Tsuf Persolja - IW0RLC Dario Pastacci



Supervisore  IK0UTM Vanni Chioccoloni

Editor            IU0RAZ Marco Dottori - IU0RBB Nevet Persolja - IU0RBC Tsuf Persolja


Rappresentante delegato nel C.C.S. Prefettura PG

I0KWX Vincenzo Belloni


Operatori autorizzati Sala Radio Prefettura di PG           

I0KWX Vincenzo Belloni - IK0XBX Francesco Fucelli - IU0LFQ Alessio Bravi - IZ0FWD Iari Del Pulito - IU0OSA Giulio Rossi - IU0RAZ Marco Dottori – IZ0GVZ Luca Bittarelli


Coordinatori prove di sintonia VHF-UHF per mappatura radio territorio

IU0OSA Giulio Rossi  &  IZ0GVZ Luca Bittarelli

Assistenti sul territorio:

IU0RBE Diego Mariani - IU0PVI Guido Scarabattoli – IU0PVG Luca Collebrusco


QSL Manager

IK0ALT Tatiana Suligoj - IU0PJS Francesco Basta


Gestione Log IQ0PG

IU0PVM Roberto Biagiotti  &  IK0VSY Roberto Siena


HF DX & Contest Manager         

IZ0FWD Iari Del Pulito

IK0EFR Andrea Burini - IK0YUT Luigi Migilla – IW0RLC Dario Pastacci per modi digitali (RTTY, PSK31, FT8, FT4, ecc.)



IU0NWJ Cristiano Peruzzi

IU0PVM Roberto Biagiotti


Corsi CW            

IK0EFR Andrea Burini

IU0PJS Francesco Basta


Corsi per esami & attività formative

Coordinatore IZ0BVU Lorenzo Raichini

Docenti         IZ0GVZ Luca Bittarelli - IU0RBA Fabio Bronzo - IU0PJS Francesco Basta - IZ0FUW Marco Belladonna - IW0RGN Marco Zucconi


Progetto “La Radio nelle Scuole”

IZ0BVU Lorenzo Raichini

IU0RBA Fabio Bronzo – IW0RED Marco Brunozzi


Responsabili Sala Radio Sezione & Satelliti

IZ0FWD Iari Del Pulito

IW0RGN Marco Zucconi - IW0RLC Dario Pastacci – IU0LFQ Alessio Bravi


Manager ponti ripetitori

Manutentori  IZ0FWD Iari del Pulito - IW0RED Marco Brunozzi

Tecnici         I0WYC Silvano Burini - IU0NWJ Cristiano Peruzzi - IK0IHA Angelo Bensi - IU0SBX Edoardo Ragni - IZ0GVZ Luca Bittarelli


Gestione reti comunicazioni

IU0LFQ Alessio Bravi  &  IU0NWJ Cristiano Peruzzi


Coordinatore radioassistenze

IZ0GVZ Luca Bittarelli

IU0PVI Guido Scarabattoli


Gestione locali sezione

IK0ALT Tatiana Suligoj coadiuvata da:

IU0SBW Marcello Bianchi - IU0RBB Nevet Persolja - IU0RBC Tsuf Persolja - IK0IHA Angelo Bensi


Attività scientifiche (Precursori sismici, Beacon, ecc.)

IU0PVM Roberto Biagiotti - IK0PUL Andrea Falgiani 


Manager Diplomi ARI PG            

IK0XBX Francesco Fucelli & IU0NWJ Cristiano Peruzzi



Ricevitore SDR ARI PG


Previsioni Meteo Umbria


IQ0PG & IQ0PG/P awards





*** RSS A.R.R.L.

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources.
  • ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® is grateful to its members, who allow us to do the work on their behalf of promoting and protecting amateur radio and inspiring future generations to make ham radio and wireless technology a part of their lives. No one does more for amateur radio. ARRL is globally recognized by radio amateurs and the public for advancing amateur radio, through su...

  • ARRL Headquarters was closed on November 29. So, this regular Fridaybulletin was moved to the following Monday (12/2).Solar activity increased during the current reporting week, November21-27. Average daily sunspot number rose to 155.7, and average dailysolar flux was 282.2.Weekly Commentary on the Sun, the Magnetosphere, and the Earth'sIonosphere - November 28, 2024, by F. K. Janda, OK1HH:"Aft...

  • One final reminder about the YouTube telethon to raise money for the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology that will be held on Saturday, November 30, 2024, on the Ham Radio Crash Course YouTube channel.It will be hosted by YouTuber Josh Nass, KI6NAZ. Quite a few amateur radio content creators will join Nass and others on the stream. ARRL Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, ...

  • ARRL® The National Association for Amateur Radio® has published its 2023 Annual Report, which includes a summary of the year’s program activities, along with the 2023 and 2022 financial statements and an independent auditor’s report.ARRL marked 2023 as the Year of the Volunteers, recognizing the nearly 57,000 volunteers who contribute to supporting the organization and the wider amateur radio c...

  • Santa Claus will be on the amateur radio airwaves again this year.The 3.916 Santa Net will be on the air every night at 7:00 PM CST from November 29 through December 24. Reserve a spot with Santa by making a pre-net check in. You can check in each night starting at 6:30 PM CST online at and Mrs. Claus will also be on the air, together, thanks to special arrangements with t...

  • Ed Menasian, N8LPQ, Toledo, Ohio, is the recipient of the 2024 ARRL Technical Service Award. He was presented the award plaque and motion certificate by ARRL Great Lakes Division Director Scott Yonally, N8SY, at a ceremony held November 23 at the Toledo Emergency Management Agency.The ARRL Technical Service Award is given annually to one or more licensed radio amateurs whose service to the amat...

  • On Tuesday, November 19, ballots were counted at ARRL Headquarters for the ARRL South Carolina Section Manager election that was conducted this fall. ARRL members in South Carolina have elected incumbent Matthew Crook, W1MRC, to continue as their Section Manager with a new term of office starting on January 1, 2025.  Crook received 296 votes, and his opponent, Billy Irwin, K9OH, of Anderson, re...

  • The ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology is a tremendously successful advocacy for inspiring youth, and it is growing significantly. The program is entirely donor-funded, and that effort is getting a huge shot in the arm. A YouTube telethon to raise money for the program will be held on Saturday, November 30, 2024, on the Ham Radio Crash Course channel. ARRL Education and Learning Man...

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  • Otto enhances WSJT-X, the popular weak-signal digital modes program for amateur radio. It automates ... - Listed in Software/Weak Signal

  • This software connects to a DMR master using the MMDVM protocol, enabling a ChatGPT-powered ... - Listed in Technical Reference/AI Ham Radio





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